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The Import Collection
Gifts & Decorative Accessories Importer/Wholesaler - USA


BMI Musical Recording and Performing Group - USA

Musician/Composer/Writer - USA

These websites were designed and built by Rejyna M. Douglass ©2003-2010 DPP/RMDW  -  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 
ANY MANNER of unauthorized copying, extraction, or any other use outside the live surfing of this site  is prohibited by US & International Law.  Several elements of this site are wholly owned and protected by their respective companies, and the use of these elements herein is in no way a representation of any endorsement or relationship they may or may not have with RMDW, these elements either represent the actual content created by RMDW, or the process/equipment/hardware/software/etc. used in the creation and viewing of the presentations and elements within.  This is a Portfolio Site with the sole intention of displaying the multimedia creations and productions of RMDW.  There are no costs associated with this site's use and no products, transactions, unsolicited emails or information sharing is offered, implied or permitted. 

 CITADEL® is a registered US Trademark and is used with exclusive permission. 
Digital Portfolio Presentations
™ is a service mark of W.E. and is used herein with exclusive permission.
 Kiki WOW® is a service mark of Flutterby Productions and is used with exclusive permission. 

The samples provided herein are from Rejyna's originally designed top-level domain sites for various clients.   Rarely updated, this section includes Rejyna's digital & film stills, gif animations, sound files, video clips, vector-based graphics and freehand artwork.  Rejyna has also tutored and/or contributed to dozens of other companies and individual site builders. 

Software used: Adobe Photoshop, Image-Ready, Acrobat, Illustrator, Premiere, QuarkXPress, Freehand, Corel, Macromedia Suite, FileMaker Pro, Pinnacle Studio, FinalCut, MS Word, Excel, FrontPage, Cakewalk, Sonic Foundry, Extensis, Photo/Graphic Edges, Print Screen Gold.

 NOTE: If you do visit the current live versions of these sites, please remember that some may have changed since Rejyna designed the original sites, and sometimes new designs are better, sometimes not....  
You will need to have a recent version of your web browser installed on your computer.  You can upgrade to the latest version FREE through these links: 
Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.  

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