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Kosh: Australian Shepherd
Having a friend this beautiful makes choosing the best pictures of  "Kosh" a very
difficult task...maybe a calendar is in order!   1  /  2  /  3  /  4  /  5  /  6  /  7  /  8  

This collage shows Jaz & Kosh the day we picked him up from the shelter, 
Jaz was the one who chose Kosh the day before, which was his last day before...

We are so thankful that we could save him, and we are extremely proud of how far he has come.
We don't know what happened to him before we found each other, but the vet says he 
has endured a bullet or puncture wound, broken ribs, breaks in his tail, and a broken tooth - and
that's just was shows on the outside.  These shots were taken in February of 2002, more than a year later,
Kosh is happy, healthy and seems to be emotionally rehabilitated - he is now a lover forever!

No more sleepin' by the side of the road!

Enhanced using Extensis Intellihance in Photoshop

© Rejyna Douglass

More Kosh?!
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